The Coaching Process

What to Expect If You're Working With Me...

When you book a complimentary session, we will get to know each other a little bit and discuss your reasons for being led to coaching.  If you are local to the Houston, Texas area, we can discuss having this conversation over a cup of coffee if you prefer face-to-face!

Before your first session, I will provide a couple of handouts to help assess your satisfaction level in the various areas of your life.  This will help build a discussion around what areas of your life you'd like to focus on for increasing your level of fulfillment.

From there, we will work together to help you set attainable goals that get you excited about moving forward.

Our sessions will include a combination of:

  • personality exploration

  • powerful questioning

  • subconscious work

  • brainstorming

  • working through any obstacles, blocks, or limiting beliefs you may have. 

We will explore what your life values are to see if you are living in accordance with what is most important to you.

And we will always do this in a safe and sacred environment where you feel supported, acknowledged, and listened to.

I am primarily focused on overall well-being in a natural way.  I believe in living a balanced life that includes everything that is most meaningful for you. 

I will be an empathetic, encouraging partner to help you unlock your greatest potential and empower you to go after the life you want.

So what are you waiting for?

Coaching Packages

  • 1:1 Coaching Single Session

    For current or past clients needing a check in (no new clients for a single session)

  • 1:1 Coaching - 3 Month Package

    Two times per month (6 total sessions)

  • 1:1 Coaching - 3 Month Package

    Three times per month (9 total sessions)

  • 1:1 Coaching - Signature Life Purpose Package

    This package includes a full self-discovery process which is client driven as to the total amount of sessions (15 sessions maximum). One hour sessions at the client's pace to use for up to six months.