Pam Matula Empowerment Life Coach

Empowerment Coaching For A Balanced and Fulfilling Life

Are you ready to transform your life with intention and become the beautiful butterfly you were meant to be? As a certified life coach, I’m here to guide you through life’s evolving puzzle pieces, helping you to discover your values, set goals, and find fulfillment at every stage of your journey.  Let’s work together to create a life that brings you joy, meaning and balance.

When the pieces come together, it’s a beautiful thing.

Hi, I’m Pam!

As a woman, I know firsthand how life's puzzle pieces can shift and change. Whether you are navigating career transitions, raising children, seeking balance in relationships, or exploring personal or spiritual growth, it can feel overwhelming. Over the years, I have learned that when life’s responsibilities become too much, when we get pulled in too many directions, or when something of meaning is missing from our life, both our physical and our mental well-being tend to suffer first.  Stress, anxiety, “mom guilt”, body image issues from putting everyone else first, and loneliness are just a few of the common symptoms that result from an unbalanced life.

Every chapter of life presents new opportunities to build the puzzle that brings the most happiness and fulfillment for that stage.  I believe that when you have a clear vision of what you want, you can take control of your life and start living with purpose and intention.  And when you live with purpose and intention, physical and mental wellness naturally follows.

Imagine the concept of building a puzzle like a butterfly’s metamorphosis.  Whereas a caterpillar does not have the option to become a butterfly, we have options for how we would like to construct our life.  Now imagine you as the caterpillar, grabbing the puzzle pieces that are the most meaningful to you, bringing them into your cocoon, and then transforming into your unique, beautiful butterfly.

My mission is to help you gain clarity on what’s most important to you, while providing guidance, accountability, and support through all the steps as you make your way to living a more balanced and fulfilling life.

  • “...I was feeling lost and unsure about my career path and life goals. I remember our initial meeting and the warmth and kindness Pam exuded immediately put me at ease. From that moment on, I knew I was in good hands. Throughout our coaching sessions, she displayed exceptional skills in helping me organize my thoughts and clarify my aspirations. Her ability to ask thought-provoking questions and challenge me to dig deeper was instrumental in unlocking my potential. She provided a safe space for me to explore my innermost thoughts and desires."


  • “I really look forward to my sessions with Pam! She helps me get really clear on what I want to do next and how I want to approach things. She is super compassionate, and I always feel more focused and calmer after my sessions. She helps me create a healthy work/life balance and I have felt so much more empowered in my daily life. I highly recommend her!”

    — Jeanine

  • "Pam was lovely to work with. She is an excellent listener and really tries to put herself in your shoes. She offers different vantage points for you to consider while you're trying to sort through different issues. She gave me different perspectives on several different things and what I started out thinking, by the end of our session I had completely repackaged and had a positive spin. Her care, kindness, and empathy for any situation makes her so well suited to helping her clients."

    — Lindsey

  • “…thank you for everything it helped so much and it was very nice to talk to someone else besides family or friends!”

    — Jacob

  • “I highly recommend Pam as a life coach. Working with her… has really changed my mindset. We laughed together, cried together. She became someone who I trust and brought my most sensitive vulnerabilities to. I am so grateful that I took this journey with her.”

    — Stefanie

Butterfly Transformation

How I can help…

Do you feel like you spend more time being reactive to life's circumstances rather than proactive towards your wellness and what's most important to you?  Do you often struggle to set and achieve goals, prioritize your tasks, or feel like there is not enough time in the day to do everything that is expected of you?  I have been there, and there is so much anxiety and stress when life is going this way.  This is where I can help.

  • Empathy

  • A sacred space to share and set goals

  • A warm and supportive energy

  • Help working through one or more issues

  • Guidance in finding your life purpose to get to a place of joy and fulfillment

I will give you:

Coaching Packages

  • 1:1 Coaching Single Session

    For current or past clients needing a check in (no new clients for a single session)

  • 1:1 Coaching - 3 Month Package

    Two times per month (6 total sessions)

  • 1:1 Coaching - 3 Month Package

    Three times per month (9 total sessions)

  • 1:1 Coaching - Signature Life Purpose Package

    This package includes a full self-discovery process which is client driven as to the total amount of sessions (15 sessions maximum). One hour sessions at the client's pace to use for up to six months.

  • "Pam is such a great coach. She has this genuine kindness and is able to understand and help me find solutions to the things I am working on. I know that anyone who chooses her to be their coach will be wondering why they didn't choose to work with her sooner! She has so much wisdom and truly desires to help anyone wherever they are in their life."

    — MaryIrene

  • "It was like being in a dark room and not being able to find the light switch. That is what burn out felt like for me. I had been experiencing that burn out for a year and half at least but for me, a self employed professional, might as well have been an eternity.   I am big on personal development content, my audibles account is proof. I’ve also completed mindset courses and worked with a very high-end coach during this burn out time and I still couldn’t seem to get to a breakthrough.    In our first session, Pam encouraged me to talk and while I was not sure if I had expressed a coherent thought, Pam was taking notes and the next day she sent me a summary of our session along with some recommendations. That very week I had not one thought but a few strong ones that I am implementing now.   Most importantly, I felt excitement and optimism in myself again. Both professionally and personally. I found the light switch and flipped that baby on. She is absolutely embarking on her calling and she’s going to put so much good out into this world because of it. 10/10 recommend and I feel so blessed to have found her."


  • "I have never been what I would call a goal setter probably out of fear of failure.  Pam led me to look inside and identify many fears that hold me back, which has allowed me to start setting some weekly goals/tasks that are attainable.  I am already getting more comfortable with these and hoping this will make it easier for me to look a little more “big picture” and set larger goals.  Pam has been a tremendous help in giving me tools to get out of my own way and not staying stuck in my current situation/environment. I am already so much more comfortable getting out doing the work after the last couple of years of isolation."


  • "I love working with Pam! As an ADHD nurse, mother, student, volunteer, and wife, I often feel like my life is spinning and I'm holding on for dear life. Pam has helped me to see through the fog to put real, tangible goals in place. I've been able to be vulnerable with her and not have to pretend to have it all together. In return, Pam has shared her own vulnerability to make me feel like I'm not alone. She then offers practical tips and guidance that I am able to immediately put into practice. You can instantly tell she is not only great at being a life coach, but genuinely cares about her clients and their success. I didn't know exactly what a life coach was when we started, but sure am blessed to have one!"


  • “What if the change you are avoiding is the one that gives you wings?”

    — Unknown

  • “You do not just wake up and become the butterfly. Growth is a process.”

    — Rupi Kaur

  • “If nothing ever changed, there would be no such things as butterflies.”

    — Wendy Mass

New life for butterfly transforming out of cocoon

Break Up With Bad Habits

Let’s be real. We all have at least one habit or pattern we wish we could part ways with. Ever wonder why it’s been so hard to just stop it, even when deep down you really want to?  

Get this free guide with steps on how to break up for good!


Read more about my story in VoyageHouston!

Listen to my guest appearance on the Wellness in Every Season podcast!

Read my interview with Bold Journey about confidence and self-esteem!