The Power of a Vision

Last year, I decided to create my first vision board.  I always heard about them, but I had never been interested in making one for myself. 

I’m not exactly sure why, but probably the main reason is that I never considered myself creative or “crafty.”  Also, in my mind I’ve done pretty well setting and achieving my goals, so putting images on a board seemed overkill and unnecessary.

I decided to do one last year primarily because I wanted to offer it as part of my coaching services, and I honestly had no idea how to build one or how long it would take.  From what I gathered in my internet searches for assistance, it seemed to be a personal and unique experience for everyone and there wasn’t a lot of guidance.

So I just jumped in, ordered some supplies, invited my sisters over to join me to make it more fun, and away we went!

It was fascinating to me that as the three of us were sitting there working on our boards, we were coming up with entirely different words, images, colors, and sparkles.  We had the exact same supplies in front of us, and we are sisters!

As the images lay in front of me, they almost magically put themselves into the correct place on the board.  It felt like it came to life before my eyes, and all of a sudden, everything that was important for me to focus on was right in front of me in the form of images!


Who Doesn’t Love 80’s Music?

I chose November for my first vision board workshop.  I invited 8 ladies to come to my house, I got all the supplies, created worksheets to assist in brainstorming, got some snacks, and had 80’s music ready to go.  Bring on the fun!

It was so exciting to watch the ladies chatting, flipping magazines, and assembling their images.  Again, I was fascinated at how beautifully unique each person’s board was, even when they were talking and sharing and using the same supplies!

I loved watching the joy on their faces as their visions were starting to take shape and I could almost hear the thoughts of “I can’t wait to get started!”

I ended up hosting 4 workshops over the course of the next couple of months.  Each one was unique with the finished products, but the feelings and excitement were exactly the same.


Goal Setting

If you are thinking of a fresh start to create a new vision and some new goals, you really can pick any time to get started.  It might be a new year, new season, or new chapter of life, but it can also be whenever you’re ready to focus on some new things!

A lot of people decide that January 1st is the best time to set goals because it’s a natural new beginning.  Plus, it seems everyone around us is talking about New Year’s Resolutions, so there could be pressure to jump on board (no pun intended)!

However, after coming out of the holiday season, a lot of people are also fatigued, and the excitement and motivation for new goals can start to fade.  So if that doesn’t feel like the right time to make a vision board, that’s ok.  It is completely ok to pick the time that feels right to you!


To Display or Not to Display

The true power of the vision board lies in the act of creating the board itself.  It’s actually not necessary to hang the board in view after you’ve created it for it to work.  By selecting images, you have told your brain that it is something important to you, and your brain registers it as so.

I talked to one lady who said that she pulled out a vision board that she had done a couple years prior, and in looking at it, she realized that every single part of it had come true, and she hadn’t looked at it since she created it!  Some of the visions had been very specific, and even all of those had come true.

In its simplest form, I talked to one male client who said that as a teenager, he cut out photos of exotic cars and put them on a bulletin board in his room.  Years later, he owned each of the cars he had displayed a photo of when he was younger.  Without realizing it, he had manifested what he desired!

You may not believe in manifestation, and that’s ok.  Another way of thinking about it is if you think positively about something that you want, your brain helps you work towards it.


Bringing your Vision to Life

If you’ve never created a vision board, I highly recommend making one sometime.  It is easy and fun, and the social aspect of creating it with others is an added benefit I hadn’t considered.

The best part is there are no rules.  It is what you want it to be.  And the same image can mean different things to different people, so it doesn’t disclose your unique vision unless you choose to share it.

The supplies can also be simple.  Some kind of board, some magazines or clip art books, maybe some photos, and then glue, scissors, and whatever you like for decoration.  I found that scrapbooking supplies are perfect when making a vision board for backgrounds, washi tape, and stickers.

When choosing images, allow room for growth.  Visualize the future you want and the work it will take to get there.  The more you connect with what inspires you, the more you feel in control of your life and your future.  This in turn will benefit your mental health and wellness.

Remember that the areas of your life are connected, so the happier you are in one area, this can lead to more happiness in other areas.

You can focus on one area of your life, or all the areas of your life.  This may include career, relationships, family/ friends, physical health and wellbeing, fun and leisure/ hobbies/ entertainment/ travel, education/ personal growth, finances, spirituality, or more.

Once your board is made, be proud that it is completely yours!  From there, start paying attention to which images are speaking the loudest to you and you can begin to set goals to achieve the vision that you are looking for.

And the best part?  You can update and modify it as often as you like, or create a whole new one when the right time comes!


Conclusion - Be Intentional

I know I keep saying it, but the key is being intentional.  When you focus on what is most important to you at the particular stage of life you are in, your fulfillment and excitement about life begins to grow, and you feel more connected to your purpose.

I believe our mental wellness improves the more we focus on what is most meaningful to us and when we make a plan to incorporate these things into our daily life.

I love empowering my clients to make themselves a priority and put a plan in place to make the vision of their future come true.

Oh, and my vision board?  Well in the six months that have passed since I made mine, every part of it has come true except for two images, which are in progress!  I may be making a new board before 2024 is over.

If you would like more information about working with me, you may contact me at  I would love to talk to you!  And if you’re in Sugar Land, TX, the conversation has the option to be in person.  And I’d love to include you in a future vision board event!


Time’s Illusion


What Actress Do You Look Like?